Nicolas Sanson de Abbeville, Paris, 1652. Les isles Philippines, Amsterdam 1655.
De Philippynsche Eilanden. Sanson was the first great cartographer of 17th century
France, He had three sons and a grandson who followed his calling.
Later edition of Pedro Murillo, Velarde, Manila, 1788.
Mapa de las Yslas Philipinas. Published in Historia General de
Filipinas, by Juan de la Concepcion, Manila, 1788. The line De la
Compania de Jesus' that appears on the previous Murillo maps has
been removed.
Pedro Murillo Velarde, 1887, Mapa de lasYslas Filipinas. Published in Cartas de los
P.P. de la Compania de Jeus de la Mission Filipinas. Earlier published in Diccionario
Geografico-Estadistico-Historico de las Islas Filipinas, by Manuel Buseta, Madrid, 1850.
Pedro Murillo Velarde, 1892. Mapa de las Islas Filipinas. In Juan Jose Delgado
S.J.'s Historia General Sacro-Profana.
Pedro Murillo / George Moritz, Nurember, 1750. Carta Hydrographica
y Chorographica de lasIsles Filipinas. This is one of the many maps based
on MurilloVelarde. It was drawn in 1750 by George Moritz Lowitz and
published in 1760 by the heirs of Johann Baptiste Homann. It was printed
on two sheets, which are usually joined together when sold.
Jacques Nicholas Bellin, Paris 1752. Cartes des Isles Philippines.This smaller
map was printed on two sheets with Luzon in the upper sheet and the Visayas and
Mindanao in the lower sheet.
Joaquin Martinez de Zuñiga, London 1814.Mapa de las Islas Filipinas.
A correct map of the Philippine islands. Included in theEnglish translation
of his Historical View of the Philippine Islands.
Philippe Vandermaelen, Brussels, 1827. Partie des Iles Philippines;
Iles Mariennes.
Alabern, Madrid, 1850. Islas Filipinas
Anonymous, ca 1850 Mapa del Archipelago Filipino.
Juan de la Puerta Vizcaino, Madrid, 1860. Islas Filipinas.
D. Martin Ferreiro, Madrid, 1862. Islas Filipinas
B.C. Bachiller, Madrid, 1852. Islas Españolas Filipinas, Carolinas Y Marianas.
Encylopedia Britannica, 1875. Philippine Islands. A map includedin the ninth
edition's entry on the Philippines.

Edward Stanford, London, 1890. The Philippine Island.
John Foreman , London, 1890. Map of the Philippines.
This map was in the first edition of Foreman's book, which
had two later editions.
H. Miralles, Barcelona, 1896. Islas Filipinas.

Related story / web link :
Three Centuries of Philippine Maps - 1598 to present era.
Welcome to the Instituto Cervantes in Manila
Old maps show shoal part of the
300 Years Of
Philippine Maps At The Met
'Mapping' nearly 500 years of Philippine-Spanish relations
is the catalog still on sale?
ReplyDeleteI am not sure if still on sale. You may contact the Metropolitan Museum of Manila.